Thursday, January 6, 2011

Buying a House continued!

At this point, we went back to the drawing board and began scouting out potential homes. We drove all over Hall County and looked at over 40 homes in a couple of days. Narrowing down options led us to about 8 to 12 that we thought we might want to see the inside of the house.

During our exploration of Hall County, we searched out one area in South Hall to look at a home that was eligible for USDA financing (100%). As we looked at this home, we saw a couple of other homes in the same neighborhood that had some potential.

We took a break from looking for a couple of days to celebrate Christmas Eve with MB's family and then on our own at home. What a wonderful time a WHITE snowy Christmas was!

Mary Beth did most of the online searching for homes, and looked at hundreds of homes to narrow down to our potential options! I looked at a lot less! Mostly, I looked at the houses MB had narrowed down.

For a couple of days, we went down to the farm to spend some time with my bros and my parents! Great times with wonderful family! Andrew and John had each gotten a Wii for Christmas, talk about funny...the Peake family playing Mario Cart....and my Dad dominates some Wii tennis!

Back to the house search, MB and I set it up with Jeff Knight to go look at houses on December 30th. We looked at 6 houses, and found a couple we really liked. The house that we liked the best was the only house still owner occupied that we had we tell the a good way.

After praying about whether we should make an offer, we decided to do so. Long story short, they accepted our offer! We are in the process of buying the house now! The home inspection went well and barring any setbacks we will close Feb. 10th!

Under Contract for a House!

What an adventure! Our attempt at buying a house has been quite a roller coaster ride. During our search for a home, we have looked at hundreds of homes online. We have driven past at least 60 homes in attempts to pre-screen, and walked into 14. I am sure many people have similar stories of searching for the right home. In the first week of driving around with our Realtor Jeff Knight, we decided to make an offer on a house. As first time buyers new to the process of buying a house, we took lots of advice from my parents and my uncle Merwin as well as our Realtor as we decided how much money to offer, what to ask for, etc.

We made an offer for the house on December 10th, the bank had prepared a counter-offer, then much to our dismay at the time, the house became a multiple offer. We came back with our best offer a couple of days later, and our offer was accepted! At the point, we were very excited, yet for some reason, I kept feeling like something didn't feel quite right. That Sunday, Greg (MB's Dad) came to look at the house with us. Greg was an HVAC guy for 20+ years so he came to look for things that might be wrong with the house. Was there anything wrong....uh yeah. The HVAC unit only worked on emergency heat, the siding was Louisiana Pacific (although listed as hardy plank), the roof was wavy and would have needed replacement soon if not immediately, as well as other issues which we just didn't have the money to fix.

At this point, we went home and ran the numbers on what we could do monetarily. It seems that God had closed that door. Conclusion: it was time to walk away from that home. While we could have gotten a renovation mortgage to fix everything, the wise thing seemed to be to walk away. We decided that neither of us was against a little elbow grease, but a move in ready house without big ticket needs was what we should do.

To be continued....

Friday, December 10, 2010

Buying a House!

Mary Beth and I are trying to buy a house! Get excited. We have made an offer on one, and will find out something in the next few days! I will update here soon!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trip to Auburn

Auburn, Alabama!!! Mary Beth and I took a trip to Auburn this past weekend (Oct. 23rd). This trip was Mary Beth's first time in Auburn!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Honeymoon Pictures

Great Moments from our wedding weekend

1. Mary Beth's pure joy dance
2. Dancing Thursday night with the family
3. Hi, my name is Jon Fruetel and I'm the bus driver (The crowd roars!)
4. Jon Fruetel's solo dance (Steven)
5. "Eat More Toast"
6. Dr. Franklin: "What drinking game are you playing out there" as the bro's tie on Dr. Pepper cans to the getaway car.
7. Bonnie: " These porta-potty's are the 'Taj-ma-hal,' no 'pots of gold' LSU game pots.
8. A certain family member's sweet dance moves aka slapping his butt repeatedly.
9. A-ok porta-pots sponsorship in the Westfield Annual
10. Bro-town -- David's bachelor party

Please add to the list with great moments of your own from our wedding weekend!!

Wedding Pictures

Compilation of Wedding Pictures that we will keep updating as we get new pictures:

Julieann Kearns' pictures from the wedding:

Gilbert Photography
Go to Order Portraits
12/19/09 White-Peake Wedding
password: december19

If you have any pictures that you want to contribute, just post your link in the comments section!

How Wet Was it Friday? It was so wet that...

1. We had to spread over 50 bales of straw to stand in the tent plus lay a plywood path.
2. Laura couldn't get her car out to drive home and Hunt had to come rescue her.
3. The septic tank wouldn't perk...therefore, no flushing, bathing or showers for 24 hours!!
4. Water flowed over the driveway all afternoon.
5. Jon Fruetel and Mayo Sexton's chairs sunk until their chins were level with the dinner tables.
6. We shuttled 96 people from Hayneville Baptist that night.
7. We sunk a truck in the backyard and a caterer's trailer by our driveway.
8.The ditches on Barrett Road and on our driveway were full to the top and overflowing.
9. Ladies wore tennis shoes (old shoes/boots/rain boots) with their dresses.
10. People had to kayak into the tent.
11. Dad unpacked his scuba gear.
12. The bartenders stood in water to serve drinks.
13. Mom almost didn't wear the outfit that she bought for the rehearsal dinner and switched to black pants and boots until Anne phoned from the rehearsal to convince me to stick with Plan A.
14. Jon Fruetel asked if the "second pond"/pond had ever reached the house.
15. We had a pond in the back yard/old garden spot...ask Greg if you don't believe me.